Karthikeya Enge
  • MERN Stack Developer
  • Quantum Computing Enthusiast
  • AI Enthusiast

I build creative Web applications & ā¤ļø to know about Quantum Physics & Space.


I took Computer Science as my undergrad course, thinking I could build something useful that people could use to resolve their issues. I took CS50 , which inspired me to learn more about coding, and that's how I started my web development journey. Fast-forward to today: I've built an attendance manager for my college, several other web apps and am looking forward to building more.

My Focus is on building creative web apps that can solve common issues and help Learners, tutors, etc. to do more. In my free time, I mostly create my own fun web apps to learn and help my friends learn.

When I'm not on the computer, I mostly love to spend my time with my Family and Friends.




with a love for web design and development and a strong CS foundation. I'm Passionate about building various creative web applications. As I'm improving as a web developer. I would like to develop apps that are clean, easily readable, and understandable


Artificial Intelligence

I am always curious to know about the early advancements of AI in various fields. I took AI as my minor in undergrad so that I could understand and implement it in various use cases.



I have been a Fan of the Special Theory Of Relativity and Quantum Physics since I was a kid. I would love to know about the various paradoxes and theories that our world runs on. I believe Quantum computing will change the world.


Technologies I've worked

My Resume



MINESKILL Github repo

A web App that helps students to find quality content in web, videos with just their syllabus copy scan/photo. Just upload the syllabus copy you can get quality content like videos, website-links and more.

Build with

  • ReactJS
  • ViteJS
  • MongoDB
  • ExpressJS
  • Tailwindcss


A web application which basically ease daily attendance procedure and has features like attendance pdf and excel sheet converter.

Build with

  • ReactJS
  • ViteJS
  • Google scripts
  • DaisyUI
  • Tailwindcss


A web App that acts as a platform for Railway Reservation using user authentication, and features like past reservation search and more.

Build with

  • Django
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • SQLite


Apollo Graph Developer - Associate

Apollo Graph Developer - Associate

Get to know various advantages of GraphQL and how can it be helpful for various developer working on multiple datasources, data caching, mutations etc. Learn the amazing Apollo client and server tools to manage your app with GraphQL.

Earned Skills:

  • GraphQL
  • Apollo GraphQL
  • RestAPIs
Principals of UX/UI Design

Principals of UX/UI Design

This is a beginner course for learners who would like to prepare themselves for a career in UX/UI development.

Earned Skills:

  • Web Design
  • Front-End Development
  • UI/UX
  • Accessibility
MongoDB Node.js Developer Path

MongoDB Node.js Developer Path

MongoDb Node.js Developer Path course helps developers to learn MongoDB Node.js Drivers and also teaches various topics like Data Modeling, Indexing, Document Model etc.

Earned Skills:

  • MongoDB
  • Node.js
  • CRUD
  • Drivers
  • Data Modeling
  • Indexes
  • MongoDB Atlas